Jeg lagde et hus kaninene kunne være i av en pappeske. Man kan selvølgelig også bare ta en pappeske, klippe ut en inngang og så er det greit. Nå ville jeg gjøre den litt finere og morsommere, så jeg tok en gammel t-skjorte på esken og malte så den ble noe mer enn en vanlig brun pappeske, og jeg syntes den ble ganske så fin.
I made a house out of a cardboard box. You can of course just take a regular cardboard box, make an entrace, and then that would be totally fine. But this time I wanted to make it more cute. I pulled an old shirt on the box and painted it a little bit, and I thought it turned out pretty well.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
In the box
Jeg overdriver ikke når jeg sier at Muffin & Johan elsker esker. De har alltid mye å finne på når de får en eske. Det er også gøy å bare ligge i de og slappe av. Når de først legger seg ned for å slappe av, kan de bli liggende ganske lenge. Jeg fikk filmet at de lå og slappet av i en eske, og de var veldig søte. De floppet, vasket hverandre, og gjorde generelt som kaniner gjør.
Muffin & Johan loves boxes. They do always find fun things to when they get a box. They do also like to relax and flop in the boxes. When they first flop, they can be laying there relaxing for quite a while. I filmed when they were relaxing in a box, and they were so adorable. They flopped, groomed each other, and did generally act like bunnies does. Which is adroable.
Muffin & Johan loves boxes. They do always find fun things to when they get a box. They do also like to relax and flop in the boxes. When they first flop, they can be laying there relaxing for quite a while. I filmed when they were relaxing in a box, and they were so adorable. They flopped, groomed each other, and did generally act like bunnies does. Which is adroable.
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Do not bathe your bunny!

It can not be said enough. Even though a lot of people know, there is still a lot of people who do not know; do not bathe your bunny. They can be paralyzed, and die. It is extremely traumatic for them and they can get a shock. Bunnies are very clean animals, so they groom themselves. It is better to use a wet cloth if your rabbit is very dirty than to bathe it. It is important to do a lot of research to avoid these situations. There is exceptions, but then you need to contact a vet for instructions. But no bunny needs a full body bath.
Muffin is grooming himself |
and so is Johan. |
Friday, September 04, 2015
Carrot tops
Yay! It is finally Friday again, and there is always great with snacks in the weekend. Muffin & Johan got some carrot tops, and they just could not get enough. Especially Johan liked it a lot.