Bunnies are not stupid animals, and you can teach them tricks just like you teach dogs. You can use different methods when teaching your bunny new tricks, you can for example use a clicker, or just give him/her treats. I gave Muffin treats when I taught him high five. It took a while, so you have to be patient when teaching your bunny new tricks. It was very fun when he learned it. I love to feel his warm little paw against my hand. I made a video on YouTube where I show how you teach your bunny high five.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
High five 2
Kaniner er ikke dumme dyr, og man kan lære de triks akkurat som med hunder. Man kan fks. bruke klikkertrening til å lære de triks, eller bare gi de godbit. Da jeg lærte Muffin high five fikk han godbit, altså pellets. Det tok lang tid, så man må være tålmodig når kan lærer kaninene nye triks. Det var veldig gøy da han først lærte det. Det er så koselig å ha den varme lille poten hans mot hånda. Jeg har lagd en video som jeg la ut på YouTube der jeg viser hvordan man lærer kaninen high five.
Bunnies are not stupid animals, and you can teach them tricks just like you teach dogs. You can use different methods when teaching your bunny new tricks, you can for example use a clicker, or just give him/her treats. I gave Muffin treats when I taught him high five. It took a while, so you have to be patient when teaching your bunny new tricks. It was very fun when he learned it. I love to feel his warm little paw against my hand. I made a video on YouTube where I show how you teach your bunny high five.
Bunnies are not stupid animals, and you can teach them tricks just like you teach dogs. You can use different methods when teaching your bunny new tricks, you can for example use a clicker, or just give him/her treats. I gave Muffin treats when I taught him high five. It took a while, so you have to be patient when teaching your bunny new tricks. It was very fun when he learned it. I love to feel his warm little paw against my hand. I made a video on YouTube where I show how you teach your bunny high five.