Når man sier "Muffin og Johan" kan det høres litt rart ut. Muffin er et vanlig kaninavn, men Johan? Vi bestemte hva kaninene skulle hete dagen etter vi hentet de. Jeg bestemte at Muffin skulle hete Muffin, så var det lillebroren min som bestemte navnet til Johan. Da han først kom med forslaget ble vi jo litt overrasket. Johan? Skulle kaninen hete Johan? Lillebroren min sa at grunnen til at han ville at han skulle hete det var at bestevennen hans i barnehagen het Johan. Så da ble det til Muffin og Johan. Det er jo litt rart og morsomt, men man blir fort vant til det.
Why is he named Johan?
It sounds a bit weird when you say "Muffin and Johan". Muffin is a common name for a bunny, but Johan? We named the bunnies the day after we picked them up. I chose the name Muffin for Muffin, and my little brother chose Johan's name. We were a bit surprised when he came up with the suggestion. Johan? Was the bunny supposed to be named Johan? My little brother said that the reason he wanted to name him Johan was because his best friend in kindergarden was named Johan. So Muffin and Johan it is. It is quite weird and funny, but you get used to it.
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