Thursday, January 28, 2016

How to get a good tounge-shot

Getting a shot of your bunny when they are peaking their tounge out is not easy. So here are some tips from own excperience to help you so you can get a great photo of your pet while they are peaking their tounge out.

  Use a camera. You will get a better shot if you take the photo with a camera instead of your phone. Not only does the photos come out in a better quality, but you can adjust the settings. When you photograph fast movement, you will need a high shutter speed to freeze what you are photographing. In this case, the tounge. The higher the shutter speed is, the better you see the details of what you are photographing. It could be a good idea to use a higher ISO, because the higher your shutter speed is, the darker gets the photo. Of course the ISO should not be too high either, because that would make the photo look "corny", so you should take the photo early in the day, so you get good natural lightening.

  ➼ Study the animal's beahviour, so you can predict when they will peek their tounge out. I for example know that Muffin & Johan always peak their tounges out when they are finished cleaning themselves.

 ➼ Take a lot of photos. The chances are small you will get a good shot if you only take one photo. So when you got them in focus, just hold in the photo button and take lots and lots of photos. That way, you are more guaranted to get a good shot, even several good photos, and you can pick the ones that turned out best.

  Stay ready with the camera when they are eating. A lot of animals lick their lips when they are done eating, a great opportunity to get a good shot. When I want to get a good tounge-shot of Muffin & Johan, I often give them some banana, because they always lick their lips a lot when they are finished eating. (If you want to give your bunny banana too, just remember that they can not have too much since it contains a lot of sugar. A few bites or some small pieces is enough.) Also if you have a bunny, you can also try to take a photo when they are drinking, they always lick their mouths a lot when they are finished drinking.

A video of Muffin & Johan eating banana. You can see how they peak their tounges out when they are finished eating.

Muffin after eating banana.

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