Monday, January 11, 2016

DIY toy with treats!

I just made a new Youtube video! I try to upload weekly, and mostly in the weekends, but I just got a new video editing program called Cyberlink, so it took a little longer time to edit this time. It is a lot to get used to, but I am very happy with it! For those who were wondering, I have the Cyberlink 14 ultimate. I used Windows movie maker before. 

To make this toy you need:

A cardboard plate (I used the lid of a shoebox)



And of course treats. I used apple and carrot, but you could also stuff it with herbs, like basil for example.
(Do not give them too much apple or carrot, carrots contains a lot of sugar, so a small piece is enough. Remember to check what kind of food bunnies can and can not have before you give it to them)

Coming for those treats!

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