Thursday, October 13, 2016

When it gets cold outside

Since we have reached October, it is getting a lot colder. There are some things that you need to remember when you have bunnies living outside, when it gets cold. 
It is a good idea to isolate the cage so the bunnies do not freeze. You could also put a blanket around the cage, and a tarpaulin on top of that. 
At this time of the year, you should also give them a lot of extra hay and straws, and place it in their cage so they can hide and get warm in it.
You should also check and switch their water more often when it is freezing cold outside. The water freezes very easily. Especially the water in bottles. It will take longer time for the water in a bowl to freeze. It is not necessary to give them cold water either. It is a good idea to give them lukewarm water, so it does not freeze as fast as it would if the water was cold.



Sunday, October 09, 2016

Big, cozy and warm hoodie!

The hoodie I am wearing in these pictures is from my shop at spreadshirt! It is very warm and comfortable, so i do recommand it. This hoodie is also perfect for the season right now, because it is getting more chilly and cold outside.
I make all the designs in my shop of Muffin and Johan myself. So about all of the clothes are bunny themed.
The shop has different categories of clothes, so you can pick a design on the front page, and then you will be able to choose on want clothing or accessorie you want the design.
Right now you can get 10% of at the store with the code "SAVE10." You will also see it on the front page when you enter the store. :)

Poor Muffin does not like to be carried, hehe. I tried to take the photos as fast as possible so he would not have to wait for so long.

Monday, August 08, 2016

Binkies - jumps of joy

A binky is easy to recognize. When bunnies are happy and confident, they like to binky. A binky is a funny and huge jump. They like to jump high and shake in the air. Some might think that they are ill and something is bothering them, but it is just their way to express how happy they are.
Since a binky is very quick and sudden movement, it is hard to get a proper photo of it. I am still struggling to get a good binky shot, but I have some adivse of how to get a good shot of a binky.

Use a camera. You will get a better shot if you take the photo with a camera instead of your phone. Not only does the photos come out in a better quality, but you can adjust the settings.

Adjust aperture and shutter speed. To freeze movement you need to use a high shutter speed. On all of the photos below I used 1/1000 shutter speed. A higher aperture will also make it easier to avoid a blurry photo. The lower the aperture is, the more blurry will the background be. Higher aperture will make more details in the photo. I used a very low aperture on the photos below, which is why many of them turned out blurry. A higher aperture would make them more clear.

Use the multiple photos function. When your camera takes several photos in a row, the chances of a good binky shot are higher.

The model in these pictures is named Muffin. ;)

Friday, June 03, 2016

The summer heat

It is summer now, and very hot outside. When bunnies are in their natural habitat, they dig holes and tunnels that they hide in to stay cool.
Bunnies can not sweat. Neither can they pant through their mouth like a dog since they breath through their noses. Therefore bunnies are more exposed for heat strokes, and it is important that you help your bunny cool down.

Symptoms of heat stroke:

- Panting / gasping for air

- Acting very weakly (exhausted)

- Slow movements

- Blue or grey colored lips

What should you do for your bunny in the heat?

✖  Refill water bowl regularly - make sure your bunny constantly has accsess to water. Of course this is imporant throught the whole year, but they drink more often at summer, so remember to refill regularly. The water will also get hot, so you should change it even if the water bowl is not empty yet.

✖  Wrap them in a wetted towel - carefully wet a towel with cold water, and wrap it around the bunny. The towel should not be so wet that it drips of it.

✖  Spray water - I like to take a spray full of chill water, and carefully give M & J a spray or two to cool them down. You can also fill a water bottle and drip some water on them. Make sure you do not spray or drip water on their ears.

Access to shadows - it is very important that your bunny has access to shadows, so they can hide from the sun and cool down. They should not be put in direct sun light. I like to put a sheet or a blanket over their playpen to give them shadow from the sun.

Cold water bottle - fill a water bottle and put in the freezer. When it is cold, you can give it to your bunnies to help them cool down.

Keep in mind that even though it is hot, you should not bath your bunny. Not ever. A bath can expose them for shock, that they can die from. A bunny should never be bathed unless your vetrinary gives you instructions to.

A sheet over their play pen to protect them from the sun.
Muffin & Johan likes to flop and relax in the heat.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Our shop!

A couple of weeks ago, I made a shop at site called Spreadshirt. It is a site where you can design your own products, or open your own shop. I design different products with bunny motives. You can find shirts, sweaters, bags and more at my store. I have all kinds of designs, like for example bunny galaxy designs!

You can find my shop here!

Galaxy kanin-the milky way - Unisex Hoodie
galaxy bunny! You can find similiar motives in my shop
Bunny with mouth open - Women's T-Shirt
Bunny wearing pineapple glasses - Tote Bag

Saturday, April 02, 2016

M & J in my room!

Some clips of Muffin and Johan in my room. They always have to chin absolutely everything from boxes to me. Notably Johan, who always goes crazy with the chinning. Muffin and Johan are also both very naughty. Muffin principally, as you easily can see in the video.

Remember to hit like and subscribe!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Whiskers and banana

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Bunnies looks ridiculous when they eat banana. They pull away their whiskers and shape their mouth so it looks like some sort of a beak. I can't help but laugh at them, they look so cute. The fur on their back also start "twitching" because they are so happy.
They did not get the whole banana I am holding in the photos. Banans contains a lot of sugar, so too much is not healthy for them. A few bites or some pieces is enough.

My watch in the photos is from You can use the code 'HUNGRYBUNS' to get 15% off at their site! The code expires March 30th, so today is last chance to use it!

Just look at Muffin's whiskers here, haha

Friday, March 25, 2016

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope you are enjoying the Easter with lots of candy. I know I am. Muffin and Johan also got some extra nana before I left for the cabin. I am back home now though. My grandmother took care of the bunnies while I was gone.

I would also like to say something about bunnies and Easter. Please do not buy a bunny for Easter, even though we connect bunnies with Easter. A bunny made out of chocolate is not the same as a real bunny. A real bunny is a lot of responsibility, and probably not a pet for your child. A real bunny is a 10-year commitment, unlike a bunny made out of chocolate or a stuffed toy. The two last mentioned is probably more of an appropiate bunny for your child than a real one. Check out the hashtag #Easterbunnyawarness on Instagram to learn more.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Relaxed bunnies

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Bunnies like to decide for themselves. They think they are the bosses. Muffin and Johan decide for themselves when they want to be patted, and when they want to be left alone.

Johan rarely wants to be patted. Then if he wants to be patted,  it is probably when he is loafing and relaxing. I am not aloud to touch him when he is busy doing other stuff. Like if he plays in a box. It is the same with Muffin as with Johan. Even though Muffin wants human attention and to be patted more often than Johan does. Johan is slightly more shy than Muffin is.

My watch in the photos is from You can use the code 'HUNGRYBUNS' to get 15% off at their site. The code will last to March 30th. 

He looks so grumpy here, hehe.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Muffin and Johan!

I finally made a channel trailer for my YouTube channel! I have been thinking about it doing it for a while, because why not. The video shows who Muffin is and who Johan is, and what you can excpect to see on my channel. :)

Friday, March 18, 2016

Muffin & Johan socks!

Woho! We collaborated with @bakdrop to design these supercute Muffin & Johan socks! I already ordered a pair of course. Make sure to get yourself a pair now too! They will only be up for sale to March 24th. After that they will never be up for sale again. So please make sure you get yourself a unique pair of socks with Muffin & Johan on them while you can! 

Friday, March 04, 2016

Wooden backdrop!

I like to experiment with different backdrops when I take photos of Muffin & Johan, and I thought I could share this one with you.

It is very simple to set it up. I bought wrapping paper from a hobby shop that is called "Panduro", even though you can get wrapping paper from a book store too, and I cut out pieces big enough to cover my desk and the wall. I taped the edges of the paper to my desk, where I have my set up, and I was done!

Make sure you get it tight, and try to avoid to get air under the wrapping paper. It can end up a little bit "bulky" like it did with me at some spots.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Box stuffed with newspaper!

Awesome box stuffed with newspaper! Muffin & Johan, especially Muffin, loved to play in it. They started with pulling some of the newspaper out of the box and rip it apart, and then they went inside and ripped in it there. Filling the box with newspaper is a great way to keep your bunny busy.

Do not forget to like and subscribe! 

"My box!"

Sunday, January 31, 2016


I just made a new toy DIY video! These toys are stuffed with basil. You do not have to stuff it with basil, you can choose whatever herbs you would like to stuff it with. It was mostly Muffin who used this toy, as Johan does not like basil very much. Muffin loves all food.

To make it you need:

➼ several cardboard rolls (how many depends on how many you want to make)
➼ scissor
➼ thread
➼ basil (or whatever herbs you would like to stuff it with ツ)

Make sure you like and subscribe! ♡ 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

How to get a good tounge-shot

Getting a shot of your bunny when they are peaking their tounge out is not easy. So here are some tips from own excperience to help you so you can get a great photo of your pet while they are peaking their tounge out.

  Use a camera. You will get a better shot if you take the photo with a camera instead of your phone. Not only does the photos come out in a better quality, but you can adjust the settings. When you photograph fast movement, you will need a high shutter speed to freeze what you are photographing. In this case, the tounge. The higher the shutter speed is, the better you see the details of what you are photographing. It could be a good idea to use a higher ISO, because the higher your shutter speed is, the darker gets the photo. Of course the ISO should not be too high either, because that would make the photo look "corny", so you should take the photo early in the day, so you get good natural lightening.

  ➼ Study the animal's beahviour, so you can predict when they will peek their tounge out. I for example know that Muffin & Johan always peak their tounges out when they are finished cleaning themselves.

 ➼ Take a lot of photos. The chances are small you will get a good shot if you only take one photo. So when you got them in focus, just hold in the photo button and take lots and lots of photos. That way, you are more guaranted to get a good shot, even several good photos, and you can pick the ones that turned out best.

  Stay ready with the camera when they are eating. A lot of animals lick their lips when they are done eating, a great opportunity to get a good shot. When I want to get a good tounge-shot of Muffin & Johan, I often give them some banana, because they always lick their lips a lot when they are finished eating. (If you want to give your bunny banana too, just remember that they can not have too much since it contains a lot of sugar. A few bites or some small pieces is enough.) Also if you have a bunny, you can also try to take a photo when they are drinking, they always lick their mouths a lot when they are finished drinking.

A video of Muffin & Johan eating banana. You can see how they peak their tounges out when they are finished eating.

Muffin after eating banana.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Toy stuffed with hay and pellets!

This toy is stuffed with hay and pellets. It is totally recommended by Muffin and Johan. When I found it the day after I gave it to them, it was completly empty. They loved to toss it around and play with it.

All you need to make it is:

a cardboard roll
hay and pellets

Make sure you watch the video below and subscribe to my YouTube channel! 

Also, we just made a Twitter account. You can find us there as @MuffinJohan

Monday, January 11, 2016

DIY toy with treats!

I just made a new Youtube video! I try to upload weekly, and mostly in the weekends, but I just got a new video editing program called Cyberlink, so it took a little longer time to edit this time. It is a lot to get used to, but I am very happy with it! For those who were wondering, I have the Cyberlink 14 ultimate. I used Windows movie maker before. 

To make this toy you need:

A cardboard plate (I used the lid of a shoebox)



And of course treats. I used apple and carrot, but you could also stuff it with herbs, like basil for example.
(Do not give them too much apple or carrot, carrots contains a lot of sugar, so a small piece is enough. Remember to check what kind of food bunnies can and can not have before you give it to them)

Coming for those treats!

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Relaxed bunnies

Do not forget to check out Johan's hairstyle in the beginning of the video, haha. He was molting at that time, so when I petted him the fur gathered on the top of his head.